Spring 2017
April 18: Dr. Anton Howes, Brown University
Jan. 24: Joshua Welsh, Planning and Management, Yosemite National Park
Feb. 6: Professor Bernard Reginster, Brown Unviersity — (special with MTS)
Feb. 14: Professor Alberto Feduzi, University of Technology Sydney
Feb. 21: Chief of Resouce Management and Science Christy Brigham, Seqouia and Kings Canyon National Parks
Feb. 28: Professor Brian Epstein, Tufts University
March 7: Director David Lamfrom, California Desert and Wildlife Programs
March 21: Dr. Elisabeth Pacherie, Senior researcher, French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
April 11: Professor Todd Zenger, David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah, Chair of the Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship
April 18: Professor Christoph Breidbach, University of Melbourne School of Computing and Information Systems
May 2: Professor Christian Turner, University of Georgia
Fall 2017
Sept. 5: Jackie Milbrandt, Univ. St. Thomas, Minnesota
Sept. 19: Professor Lisa Yeo, UC Merced
Oct. 19: Steven Key, Cofounder of inventRight
Oct. 31: Steve Shackleton, UC Merced Academic Coordinator and SNRI
Nov. 7: Professor Zack Grossman, Florida State University, Department of Economics
Nov. 14: Dr. Ashley Goldhor-Wilcock, USDA Forest Service, Human Dimensions National Program Lead
Nov. 28: Dr. Nathan Reigner, University of Vermont, Park Studies Lab
Dec. 12: Professor Randy Westgren, U. Missouri, College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources